Thursday, December 2, 2010

Capitalism Magazine - Voters To Politicians: I Want My Cake and I Want To Eat It Too

The problem is the ideology of self-sacrifice. Politicians rely on the neurotic guilt of their victims (the producers) to get the loot they want for their constituents. The neurotic guilt of their victims is the result of the ideology of self-sacrifice, the false and destructive view that people must sacrifice themselves for one another, regardless of the consequences to self or others. If Americans were more selfish, in the rational sense, politics and wealth redistribution as we know it would come to an end. America would become a free country, a much more prosperous and stable one than it presently is. They would elect the politicians able and willing to bring this about, rather than the ones they keep electing.
Capitalism Magazine - Voters To Politicians: I Want My Cake and I Want To Eat It Too

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