Monday, January 31, 2011

Capitalism Magazine - The Great Debt Shift

While this socialization of private debt has created deep citizen resentment, it remains to be seen whether political pressure is enough to hold back the tide. In the US, the forces of fiscal restraint appear to have the upper hand at present; but, this late in the game, it is far from certain that the newly elected fiscal hawks will be able to avert civil unrest and debt default.

Capitalism Magazine - The Great Debt Shift

American Thinker: How to Get Rich from Liberal Delusions

The secret to instant wealth is to spot a mass delusion and bet against it. The Tulip Craze. Florida swamp land.

Getting the timing right is tricky, but we are blessed with an overload of mass delusions. You can pick your own favorite. Delusional bubbles have to pop at some point, because the people who are paying for them eventually figure out that they've been had.

American Thinker: How to Get Rich from Liberal Delusions

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Capitalism Magazine - Liberals Don't Hate Money, They Hate Walmart (Capitalism)

The answer is plain and simple: Liberals and socialists hate success.
They tolerate it in people like George Soros and Warren Buffet, because these people use their money to actually advance the cause of socialism.
When someone who doesn't necessarily support socialism (such as Bill Gates, at least earlier in his career) tries to win over liberals by giving even millions to the poor and the downtrodden, it has no effect.
This is because it's not the poor and the downtrodden that liberals care about. It's power and control that they want. The poor and the downtrodden -- real or alleged depending on the particular case -- are a means to the end for liberals. Their end is power. It always has been, and it always will be.

Capitalism Magazine - Liberals Don't Hate Money, They Hate Walmart (Capitalism)

Friday, January 14, 2011

Capitalism Magazine - The Hypocrisy Underlying Obama's Speech

Desperate Americans, even some "conservatives," look to Obama during a time of crisis to distract us from the disastrous course we have been on for years, a course which Obama has accelerated at full throttle. They made Obama's speech a litmus test. They fooled themselves into thinking that if Obama didn't use the speech to blast Rush Limbaugh or other opponents, then he must be a good guy after all.
People this naive deserve what they get. What they're going to get in the coming months is more socialism, more taxation, more Big Government and more censorship of people who disagree than this nation has ever seen.
If Obama's opponents in Congress allow this unrelated tragedy to become an excuse for what liberals do best -- promoting raw emotionalism over reason and facts -- then they deserve to lose the ground they worked so hard to gain. Here’s hoping we get back to reality … and soon.

Capitalism Magazine - The Hypocrisy Underlying Obama's Speech